Note: This documentation is intended for Bigleaf Partner Provisioning processes only.
In the case that a device is not functioning as expected, please work with Bigleaf Support to determine if an RMA is necessary. If while working with Bigleaf Support it is determined an RMA is needed - there are two options to replace a device that has already been deployed to a customer site.
Reminder: Bigleaf devices have a 3 year warranty for replacement based on date of purchase. If unsure whether a device is currently under warranty, reach out to Bigleaf Support to investigate.
If a failed device is no longer covered by the 3 year warranty, additional hardware can be purchased using the order forms found in the Bigleaf Partner Portal.
RMA Option #1 - Replace from Partner Inventory
If a Bigleaf Partner has an inventory of unprovisioned devices in their Company > Devices, follow the steps below to replace the customer device on-site with one of those devices:
- Add replacement device in the Bigleaf Cloud Connect dashboard under the specific Site > Site Configuration > Devices > Assign router.
- Choose 'Existing Device' and select Bigleaf device from list by serial number, then 'Add Device'.
- If device was used previously at another site/location, follow steps in Redeploying a Bigleaf device before continuing.
- If device was used previously at another site/location, follow steps in Redeploying a Bigleaf device before continuing.
- Follow Device Provisioning guide to apply site configuration to the new Bigleaf router.
- Ensure new device has up-to-date firmware and site configuration before going on-site.
- Ensure new device has up-to-date firmware and site configuration before going on-site.
- By default, the new device will be in 'Standby' and the current device will be 'Active'
- When physically ready to swap the old device with the new device, power up the replacement device and check the 'Active' toggle on the new device under the specific Site > Site Configuration > Devices page
- Note that only ONE router may be active at a time, activating the new router will stop all services on the old router as it is put into 'Standby'.
- Additional details on what to do if your primary router fails.
- Move ISP and LAN connections from the old device to the replacement device.
- After router swap and installation complete, on the specific Site > Site Configuration > Devices page click 'Remove router' on the old router.
- Note: The old router will be returned to the Partner Inventory under Company > Devices once removed from the site.
- Note: The old router will be returned to the Partner Inventory under Company > Devices once removed from the site.
- For failed devices covered under warranty, Bigleaf Support can start the RMA process to replace failed devices in Partner Inventory
RMA Option #2 - Direct to Customer Replacement
If device fails in the field and it is more convenient, Bigleaf can ship a fully provisioned replacement router directly to a customer site as long as the failed device is still covered under warranty.
- Work with Bigleaf Support to verify shipping address, shipments will be sent out via FedEx Overnight Delivery.
- Bigleaf will provision a replacement router and ship to customer.
- By default, the replacement device will be in 'Standby' and the current device will be 'Active'.
- When physically ready to swap the old device with the new device, check the 'Active' toggle on the new device under the specific Site > Site Configuration > Devices page.
- Note that only ONE router may be active at a time, activating the new router will stop all services on the old router as it is moved to 'Standby'.
- Additional details on what to do if your primary router fails.
- Return old device to Bigleaf via provided FedEx return label
- Once received by Bigleaf and the return is processed, the failed device will be removed from the customer site
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