This page shows the companies associated with a user and includes details about each company. The information displayed depends on your user role and credentials.
Search for a company
If you’re managing several companies, you can quickly search for a specific one. Enter the entire company name or the first few letters to see a list of available matches.
Display Filters
The Filters option lets you customize the companies displayed on the page.
You can create custom filters to show specific types of alerts. Select the Filter type to use, and the Filter value. For example, you can search for a specific company by name, or by your user role in the company. Select Apply filters.
The last five filters you created are listed in the Recent Filters list. To use one of these filters, select the plus sign next to the filter name to move it to the Active Filters list. Then select Apply filters.
Select up to three filter types to show on the Companies page for quick access, then select Apply filters.
To remove a favorite from the Companies page, select Filters then select Favorites, and de-select the favorite to remove. Select Apply filters.
Company List
The available company information includes these columns. Select the column name to list the information in ascending or descending order.
Company Name – The company name and Bigleaf-assigned ID.
Role – Your user access role in the company, for example User, Company Admin, or Super Admin. Depending on your user role, you may have access to create and manage other companies and their sites.
Company Type – The type of company, for example Customer or Reseller.
Relationship – If your user role allows it, you can select Show parent/child company relationship to see the parent/child relationship between companies and sites. A parent company manages one or more child companies and its users.
Sites – The number of sites within the company.
Users – The number of users who have access to the company.
Devices – The number of Bigleaf devices associated with the company. Information includes the device serial number and current status and configuration information.
Add a Company
To add a new company, select Add company. Enter the company name, address, and your user role in the company. If this is a child company, enter the parent company to which it belongs.
Delete a Company
To delete a company, select the company and choose Company Settings. The Delete option is at the bottom of the Company Options tab.
Get Company Details
To see detailed information about a company including contact information, devices used at the company, user information, and alert settings, select Company Settings.
Download Company information
Select Export as CSV to download and save the company information. It includes all of the information shown on the page.
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