The Company Settings page has several tabs of information providing details about a company and its users:
Company Options
The page describes each of these tabs.
Company Options
Shows information about the company, including its parent company if applicable, your user role in the company, and billing address.
Company information
Shows details about the company.
Alert Tolerance
The Alert Tolerance setting allows you to determine the sensitivity setting for alert triggers and notifications. It’s a measure of how sensitive a site is to connectivity/traffic conditions and determines how quickly a risk is triggered. The levels are:
Sensitive – The available bandwidth at the site is 50%
Normal – The available bandwidth at the site is 25%
Tolerant – The available bandwidth at the site is 5%
It’s helpful to set the tolerance level according to how often you want to be notified of circuit issues. When an alert is triggered, an email is sent to those users who are set up to receive them and the alert is added to the Active Alerts graph on the Alerts page.
Note: To view and change alert notification emails, select User Settings from your user account dropdown menu.
Delete a company
Deleting a company is a permanent action that can’t be undone. Deleting a company deletes all associated data and permanently removes all user accounts. If the company is a parent company to other child companies, all associated child companies and users will be deleted as well. Use caution when deleting companies.
To delete a company, select Delete.
Child Companies
Shows the child companies that the parent company administrator manages, if applicable.
To see details about a child company, select Company Settings.
Shows the devices associated with the company. Information includes details about each device and its current status at the site.
- To add a new device to the company, select Add a device. You can add a single device by serial number, or if you have the proper credentials, import a CSV file containing multiple devices and serial numbers.
- To associate a device to a different company, select the 3 dots to the right of the device information and select Move device.
Shows the list of current users for the company.
- To change a user’s role, select the user’s current role dropdown. Be aware that users with specific permissions based on their role can modify, upgrade, or disable services, including circuit configuration. If you’re changing a user’s role in the company, be sure that the role you’re assigning to a user is appropriate for that user.
- To reset the user’s password, log in as the user, or delete the user, select the 3 dots to the right of the user’s information.
Alert Settings
View and customize alerts used with a company.
Alert Tolerance
The Alert Tolerance setting allows you to determine the sensitivity setting for alert triggers and notifications. It’s a measure of how sensitive a site is to connectivity/traffic conditions and determines how quickly a risk is triggered. The Alert Tolerance level communicates how concerned you should be about the alert. For example, an alert triggering with a high-risk level will generally require more immediate action when compared to an alert with a low-risk level.
The Alert Tolerance levels are:
Sensitive – The available bandwidth at the site is 50%
Normal – The available bandwidth at the site is 25%
Tolerant – The available bandwidth at the site is 5%
It’s helpful to set the tolerance level according to how often you want to be notified of circuit issues. When an alert is triggered, an email is sent to those users who are set up to receive them and the alert is added to the Active Alerts graph on the Alerts page.
Note: To set up alert notification emails, select User Settings from the user account dropdown menu.
Alert Settings
Alerts are organized into two groups: All Alerts and Custom Rules.
All Alerts
Bigleaf provides several default alerts that are trigged when a condition is met. These alerts are listed in this section, including descriptions about what triggers the alert and its severity level. When an alert is triggered, an email is sent to those users who are set up to receive them, and the alert is added to the Active Alerts graph on the Alerts page.
Custom Rules
You can modify a default alert to meet your specific needs for a single site or for all sites you manage. Custom alerts are helpful in changing the default risk severity of an alert and thus changing the number of alert notifications users receive. You can't completely remove an alert, but you can change its severity, and then based on user permissions, they can decide what level of severity they want to be messaged about.
For example a Final Circuit Remaining alert is considered a ‘High’ risk by default. But if this behavior is expected and not concerning for a specific site, you can create a custom rule and reduce the risk alert severity to a 'Low' risk for that site. Doing this prevents alerts being sent to most users.
To create a custom rule, select New Custom Rule from a default rule. The wizard guides you through the process of selecting which sites to apply the rule and its settings. You can create a custom rule only for the company you’re currently viewing.
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